今日の輝くママは、ドイツにお住いのジモネ ヘンナさん。二人のお子様の子育てをされながら、三人目を妊娠中のワーキングママ。ドイツママからのメッセージをお届けします。
【Name】Simonne Henne
【Residence】Wentorf bei Hamburg, Germany
【子ども】モーゲンズ(長男4歳)、カヤ リリ(長女2歳)、次女(8月出産予定)
【Children】Mogens (4), Caja Lili (2), Little baby girl (expecting in August)
【Profession】Teacher for German and Sports (5th – 10th grade, the pupils are 10 -16 years)
【What made you happy recently?】
I am very happy about our new house. Especially I’m happy about the garden. At the moment we are planning the design of the garden with a little sandpit for the kids and a play area.
【The secret of shining mama】
My family calms me down even if the daily life is turbulent and debilitating sometimes. At the end of the day, our health, love and being together with family are the things that really matters.
ヴェントルフはハンブルグにほど近い小さな町です。スーパーマーケット、病院、パン屋さん、公園、学校など生活に必要なものは全て揃っており、そしてなんといっても私たちが大好きなアイスクリーム屋さんもあります^ ^小さな街ですが、緑が多く安全で、住んでいる人も親切です。
【What do you like about the city you live】
Wentorf is a small town which is next to Hamburg city. We have everything we need here, supermarkets, doctors, bakeries, playgrounds, schools and the most importantly ice cream shop we love:)! The town is small yet green, safe and people are so friendly.
【Message to mothers and mothers to be】
To get advices is good, but never forget to focus on your situation. You decide what is good for you and your family life.
【Feel free to share your goals, activities or anything about yourself】
I love to sew. Mostly I sew clothes for the kids. To choose the patterns and suitable fabrics is a creative process that really calms me down and gets my head free from stressful things.
★ママそら サポーター募集中︕