【名前】エリカ ピファー
【Name】Erika Piffer
【お住まい】London, UK
私はSir John Soane’s Museumでボランティアをしています。来客者の方のサポートをする事で社会貢献できていると感じますし、幸せな気持ちになります。
【What made you happy recently?】
I’m a volunteer at the Sir John Soane’s Museum. Helping the visitors makes me feel like I’m giving back to the community, which makes me very happy.
Besides that, almost two years ago I started learning how to draw and I feel this is something I want to keep doing for a while – before I tried a lot of things like photography, cooking, playing an instrument, but drawing is the first thing that really captured my heart. Drawing brings me joy, occupies my free time and when I complete a drawing I always learn something different.
I love the philosophy of Bob Ross: “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents”. I think this phrase fits my drawings and everything in my life 🙂
【What do you like about the city you live?】
London is a big city, very similar to São Paulo, Brazil (the city in which I was born), with people from many different cultures. I always thought the people here are very friendly and I was able to confirm this as soon as I began volunteering at Sir John Soane’s Museum in Holborn. There I have the possibility to improve my English skills, meet people from different countries and cultures and help the staff, who are all very friendly, kind – they add a lot to my experience living in London.
As I am Brazilian, I miss the sun (the weather in London is not always the best, but summer is very nice). I also miss my family and friends who stayed in Brazil. But when the saudade (our word for feeling homesick) pops up, we eat a good Feijoada* (our national dish) or a good Brazilian Barbecue – it always helps 🙂
【What is your dream?】
I never was the kind of girl that had a lot of dreams growing up. I was five years old when my father left home and my wonderful mother looked after my two brothers and I, along with my grandmother and aunt. We lived with the basics, as we didn’t have a lot of money, so until I was 18 I didn’t have many dreams or goals.
One day my older brother Osmar talked to me about trying to go to a public university so I could have a profession and from there I started to study in preparatory courses. During this time I met my husband Yanko, who also encouraged me to study and taught me to have goals and dreams. That’s how I got my degree in Library Science and I fell in love with the profession. After that I understood that the sky’s the limit; that everything I want could be possible if I focus and strive for it. My family supported me on the path I chose and here I am.
Since currently I’m not working in my area because I still need to improve my English, I’m focusing on studying drawing to maybe one day become a professional artist.
So my current dream is to reach people in some way through my art, transmitting joy, love, hope, happiness, any feeling whatsoever. It would be fantastic to make art that people would remember, but for now, I’m just happy with constructive criticism so I can keep improving.
【What kind of mom would you like to be?】
I don’t have children yet, but I think that any relationship needs a solid friendship base. It’s important to have trust and to speak about everything freely with eye-to-eye conversations without tyranny. I would do my best to be an understanding mother, a friend, but still teaching the importance of discipline in my child’s chores.
もしロンドンに来てユニークな雰囲気の博物館をお探しなら、是非Sir John Soane’s Museumにいらしてください。
私のインスタグラムからこれまで描いた作品や、ロンドン、旅行で訪れた街の写真など投稿しているので、もしよかったら是非遊びにきてください^ ^!
【Free description, your goals and activities】
If you’re ever in London and want to know a completely different museum, with a unique atmosphere, don’t hesitate to visit Sir John Soane’s Museum!
I hope that very soon I can achieve two of my new dreams: improving as an artist and visiting Japan!
If you want to see some of the drawings that I made or pictures of London and other cities that I visited, visit my Instagram.
(I made a drawing inspired by Utagawa Kuniyoshi: Matsui Tamijiro, sword in hand, fighting a giant snake.)
Erika Pifferさんinstagramページ
★ママそら サポーター募集中︕