トーマス ホイスラー アルビさん<ドイツ>ママそら「今日の輝くパパ」No.77



【Name】Thomas Haeussler Albi

【Residence】Hamburg, Germany

【About children】2 boys – 15 and 9 years

【Profession】Manager/director for a global company offering localization solutions (technology and services related to translation and content management).



【What made you happy recently?】
・My older was confirmed (Christian ritual) this year. What made me happy wasn’t the ritual itself or the fact that he took it but rather that he made his first real life decision by himself. We are not a religious family strictly speaking also considering we, his parents, come from very different cultural backgrounds, so this decision came from my son himself. And seeing him during the confirmation in his suit looking all grown up made me very happy and proud. And I thought that as parents my wife and I have done something right already.

・What always makes me happy is that my younger son when sees me when he comes home or I collect him from school or football always has a bright smile for me looking happy to see me. It makes my day and deletes all negative thoughts that may be around.




【The secret of shining papa】
I tend to work a lot so it is not always easy but I try and have an active interest in what my children enjoy doing. So as much as possible I am trying to watch their football games or other sports that they are into whenever I can. And this year I started coaching my elder son’s football team and am really enjoying that. I believe it is important to encourage them to do what they enjoy and make it possible for them to try new things so they can find their hidden talents.

However, it is also important to keep doing the things that are important for yourself. For example, I like playing football myself and going to the gym often. This keeps me healthy and it helps me maintain my own balance which is just as important as otherwise you are not fulfilled yourself.

I think you should also be happy or satisfied with your own life if you want to be believable father and role model.




【What do you like about the city you live?】
What I really like about Hamburg are its river and its green environment. Hamburg is a big city (for Germany!) but it has many parks and many of its streets are lined by trees so it’s also one of the greenest cities in Germany. This makes it a very livable city.

But it is not only the green environment that makes Hamburg special. Water is also a big theme in Hamburg. Hamburg is located on the Elbe River which is more than 1,200 km long making its way from the Giant Mountains in the Czech Republic all the way to the North Sea a mere 70km from here.

Once you’re out of the harbor, the shore of the Elbe opens into nice sandy beaches that Hamburgers enjoy during the summer for tanning, a relaxing after-work drink or BBQs at the weekends. Then there is also the small Alster River which is dammed up in the city center turning it into two relatively big lakes that make a fantastic destination for relaxing walks or a great sailing spot.

If we are lucky and the winter is cold enough, they will even freeze over so you can enjoy beautiful walks even on the water or ice skate on them. And between these two rivers and its many canals, Hamburg has more bridges than Venice – I bet you didn’t know that!




【Message to papas and papas to be】
I would like to say; “Spend time with your kids, support and be interested in them, watch them play sports, let them try things and be patient but most of all show and tell them how much you love them. They will feel safe then and develop into confident youths and adults.”

And I do all those things but it is difficult to do or think of these things all the time. You have your own life, your job and not everything goes well all the time.

So you don’t always have enough patience or get angry too easily at times and may say something that if you think about it carefully may wish you hadn’t said. These things happen.

What is important then though is to be able to go back to your children and tell them that you didn’t mean it or even apologize when you know you said something wrong or something you didn’t really mean.

So be authentic as much as you can with your strengths but also with your weaknesses. Your kids will learn to appreciate this kind of honesty if they know and can feel that they are your number one concern and you will always be there for them when they need you.




【Free description, your goals and activities】
My goal as a father is to see my children grow up safely and happily and develop into balanced, well educated men who will be able to make a living out of something they enjoy doing and are good at. I want to see them have families and children of their own and have a happy life.

For myself and my wife I see us spending time with our grandchildren but also travelling and seeing many of those places we haven’t come around to visiting ourselves yet.

But you are not only a father and your being a father becomes less important or less of a constant priority when your children grow up and gradually become more independent. I also want to focus back more on my own relationship and spend more time with my wife again. My wife and I just started regular dance classes which is not only enjoyable but it gives my wife and me something for ourselves again as we are at a point where this is possible again with our children not depending on us as much as before anymore.




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